Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It's been a busy week at la casa de Caroline y los perros. ( I'm taking spanish right now, can you tell?) 
From Friday to Monday there was a fencing NAC, North American Cup, in Portland. After competing for 4 years I have a lot of friend in the fencing world and most of them were going to be there so of course I was going to be there too. I lots of friends from all around the country, including the two I REALLY wanted to see, I even made a few more. Kelsa also made a lot of friends and did really well with the noise thanks to this thing called Food Protocol. In a loud environment like a tournament or walking by traffic she gets food every time she ignores the noise she gets a piece of food.

Here are some pictures from the tournament this weekend. Some of them are fuzzy, but are still good pictures.
View of the Steel bridge from the MAX to the convention center

My friend testing to make sure a fencer's weapon works, one of the duties of a referee.
Don't you just love the pink tie? 

Contesting a call.

In puppy news:
Kelsa only has one new bad behavior, getting on the couch. I've had to see the photographic proof because she never does it when I'm around. She's still garbage mouthing outside, and were still having some relieving problems, but their getting better. And her baby teeth are almost done falling out!!!!! Why is this so great? Because I'm getting sick of the mess, she gets blood on at least one of her toys everyday. It looks like we only have one tooth left and it's gonna fall out any day now.

She sleeps with her tongue out.

She's so spoiled <3


My Tazzi!

Now to explaining the title of this post. I went to the  stomach doctor  last week and she thinks that my pain has either been from a mis functioning gall bladder, not likely, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), very likely. The symptom's for GERD are pretty much the same a regular acid reflux only all the time, and it's caused by the muscle seal that closes off the stomach from the esophagus isn't closing all the way. I'm planning on doing more testing to rule out my gall bladder, and confirm the GERD. In the mean time I'm learning a new way to eat that seems to help me feel better. I am now not, or not supposed to, be eating fats, good and bad, citrus, caffeine, tomatoes, and mint. I did really well staying on the diet last week, than I was at the convention center all day over the weekend watching the fencing tournament and we ran out of Caroline friendly food so it slid for a few days, and now I'm finding it hard to get back in to it. Has anyone had that problem before? On the upside I've been losing a pound a day since Sunday, probably because I haven't been eating much. The down side of not eating much is that I have no energy.  Now that we have food in the house that I can eat again I'm sure my weight will slow down to a more healthy rate, but it was fun.

I also really want to go visit my Aunt Sarah and her family in MO, because they just got a new puppy who sounds like she's too clever for everyone else's good. Oh and my aunt, uncle, and cousins is all around awesome.

I also weeded the garden today, I may get the hang of this agricultural thing yet!

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