Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 19th: a favorite place

For people who aren't familiar with Portland there's a place called Pioneer Courthouse Square which as been described by many as Portland's living room. Along the sidewalks next to the courthouse across from the square are fountains and statues of deer (pictured), bears, ducks, and otters. These are at least for me a symbolic reminder of Portland's connection to the natural world even in the middle of the largest city in the state.

This is the good picture of Valkyrie by the statues.

May 18th: something you made

potato, cauliflower, mushroom curry.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 9th: something you do everyday

May 8th: a smell you adore

My eye skipped over the 7th, but I'm going to try to go back to that one.

May 6th: you

Photo a day for the month of May

My Mom found a photo a day thing for May where it suggest something you could take a picture of each day. I started almost a week late, but I'm going to try to keep up with it for the rest of the month. But before that I have more puppy pictures!

Valkyrie and I went to the park today

She always bites her lip when she's excited or really interested in something

She loves to flip the Nyla-ring over her head

The faces Kelsa makes here are priceless

My happy boy

And now a cat exploring a cup